Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Knicks Lovers & Haters Speak Up!

This is YOUR blog, so take full advantage of the comments section, below, to tell us your thoughts about the Knicks

What are the NY Knicks doing right or wrong? What could they do better? Talk about matchups, keys to the next game, post-season prospects or anything at all. What articles do you want to read here? Who is (are) your favorite Knicks player(s) and why? Ladies, do you have a crush on a Knick player? Tell us who and why. Perhaps he will read what you say here. Our readers look forward to reading and commenting on what you have to say!

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Unknown said...

The Knicks need to get more consistent on defense. They need a consistent stopper, and perhaps they need more of a defensive presence in the low post. Right now that is the most glaring deficiency in my view.

Old Knick Fan said...

Dandem75: You are absolutely right. In fact poor defense and lack of rebounding -- especially in the first half are the reasons the undersized Knicks were slaughtered by the Mavs!

Yoeri said...

You should write a piece about the race for 6th seed. And where the Knicks should/will end up at the end of the regular season. Not to mention the best case scenario in the first round for the 'Bockers.

Old Knick Fan said...

Yoeri that's a good idea. Thank you.